Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Please read this one

Nepal is a country between two big countries which are India and China. Both of the surrounding countries are developed. Now 2010 is going on which is not so developed in Nepal. But it will develop in 2020 very vastly. There will be a vast difference between 2010 and 2020.
Now days we are having bus from banepa to Kathmandu which takes about an hour to reach Kathmandu from banepa. But in my opinion there will be bullet underground railway station in banepa and an International Airport in banepa which reach Kathmandu from banepa in about 5 minutes. There will be ships facilities in big rivers and lakes of Nepal. Nepal will run satellite which tells us about the things happening in the world. The name of satellite will be" Nepal Friendship Satellite". There will be a scientific office in banepa bigger than NASA .There will be no more pollution. There will not be a piece of dust in the street .Each and every person will be using electric or solar vehicles. Nepal will run a rocker station. Many countries will beg to our Nepal for help.
Now days we are having a practice by doing homework in copies with pens and pencils. We are getting scolds and punishments from teachers but in the year 2020 there will be no more pens, pencils, books, copies and nor the scolds and punishments from teachers. Every one will do homework in laptops by downloading files from internet and giving it to teachers by the means of email and internet.
Now Nepal is getting donations from countries like U.K, U.S.A, Thailand, China, India e.t.c but in the year 2020 Nepal will give donations to all those countries begging help with Nepal. Now Nepalese are going to Moscow, U.K, U.S.A, and Philippines as abroad and as means of employment but in the year 2020 the people from those countries will come to Nepal as abroad and as means of employment.
There will be not any load shedding in Nepal at the year 2020. There will be means of transportation, communication e.t.c in Mugu, Dolpa, and Dracula e.t.c. The apples and wools will be exported to Europe with good sum of money. On the year 2020 world cup will be held in Nepal. Nepal will also play in that game. Nepal will win it. The game will be held between Nepal and Argentina. Nepal will win the game with 12 goals and Argentina will lose with 3 goals.
Now day's people are dying due to carelessness of doctors but in the year 2020 there will be neither more doctors nor carelessness. There will be machines for treating patients.
There will be 92000 mega ward hydroelectricity station in Panauti. There will be a hanging garden about 2000 meters high. Now days nobody want to touch the water of Indrawati,Roshi e.t.c but in the year 2020 people will drink the water of Indrawati,Roshi e.t.c.. The water of Indrawati, Roshi e.t.c will be purified by various scientific methods. Nepal will give electricity to Bangladesh and other non developed countries. Nepal will also give economical help.
This is just an imagination of Nepal in the year 2020. This is imagined in the year 2010\ 28th June. Let's think the condition of Nepal will be as written as essay. Let's wait for 2020 to be like this.
Thank You
Written by:
Name: Gunjan Bhandari
School: Baylor Int'l Academy
Class: Eight (8) 'B'

Friday, June 4, 2010

Some Factsinating Facts

Ø Table tennis ball is made up of celluloid.

Ø The film Gandhi is believed to have the largest numbers of extras (over3 lakhs).

Ø The name of Bill gates wife is Melinda.

Ø Man kind's first clock was sun.

Ø Africa is the hottest continent in the world.

Ø The world's largest capital city is Damascus in Syria.

Ø Jericho which is in Jordan is the oldest town in the world.

Ø The United States Library of Congress is the largest Library of the world.

Ø The Ashmolean Museum is the oldest in the world.

Ø There is only one lake in Scotland known as Lake Menteith.

Ø Ships travel faster in Cold water than is Hot water.

Ø The biggest Diamond in the world is Culhnan Diamond which is found in South Africa.

Ø The largest piece of pure gold was found in Australia.

Ø The real name of Bill Gates is William Henry Gates.

Ø The weight of Liver in adult person is 1.5 K.G.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

शर्त तोड्दाको परिणाम

कुरा धेरै वर्ष पहिलेको हो । एक गाउँमा बुबा आमा र छोरीमात्र भएको एउटा परिवार बस्थ्यो । एक दिन त्यस परिवारका बुबा आमा छोरीलाईमात्र घरमा छाडेर काममा गए । घरमा रहेकी छोरीले बुबा आमाका लागि खाजा तयार गरेर खेतमा लैजानु पर्ने भयो । एक्लै घरमा रहेकी उनले बडारकुडार गर्ने धन्धा गर्ने जस्ता घरायसी काम गर्दा खाजा तयार गर्न भ्याइनन् । र तिनले मनमनै भनिन्-कोही मलाई काम सघाउने भए कति सजिलो हुन्थ्यो त्यसपछि एउटा आवाज आयो- ु म तिमीलाई सहयोग गर्छु तर एउटा शर्तमा र त्यो हो तिमीले मलाई कहिल्यै पनि हेर्ने कोशिस नगर । किनकि म भूत हुँ । तिमीले मलाई हेरेमा तिमी मर्नेछौ ।ु ती केटीले भूतले भनेबमोजिम शर्त मान्ने बताइन् ।
दिन रात हप्ता महिना वर्ष हुँदै जाँदा पाँच वर्ष वितेछ । एक दिन ती केटीको मनमा एउटा विचार आयो- आजचाहिँ म त्यस भूतलाई हेरेरै छाड्छु त्यो कस्तो हुँदो रहेछ भन्ने कुरा थाहा पाएर अरुलाई भन्नु पर् यो । त्यसपछि उनी भान्छातिर लागिन् । त्यहाँनिर भूतले खाना पकाइरहेको थियो । र ती केटीले भूतको अनुहारमात्र के देखेकी थिइन् उनको तत्काल मृत्यु भयो ।
यो घटनापछि भूतहरुले मानिसलाई कहिल्यै सहयोग नगर्ने निश्कर्ष निकाले । मानिसहरु कसम तोड्छन् र भनेको शर्त मान्दैनन् । त्यसैले नै भूतले मानिसलाई सहयोग गर्दागर्दै नगर्ने अवस्था सिर्जना भयो ।
साथीहरु हामी कहिल्यै शर्त नतोडौं है । फेरि ती केटीको जस्तै हालत होला नि ।

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Which Planet has shortest days?
What is an egg made up of?
Calcium Carbonate
What do you mean by Horn Silver?
Silver Chloride
What is the machine which generates electricity?
What is scientific name of l;;f}?
Dalbarjia l;;f}
What is the disease by which a person is afraid of beard?
Which mammal's heart beat is the lowest among other animal?
Blue Whale
Which animal breathe through both skin and lungs?
Who invented cycle?
Mek Meelam
Due to which gas Sunflowers turns to sun?
Which virus causes Ganoria?
What is the scientific name of Mouse?
Which animal reproduce by its tear?
What is the star nearest to the Earth after the sun?
Proxima Centaury

By Gunjan Bhandari
Class 7 "B"

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Big Bang Theory

Do you know how was earth originated?
There are many theories in this topic. But the most popular theory is THE BIG BANG THEORY, it was written by two scientists named as: Urey and Miller .And this theory goes on like this.

About 5 billions years ago Sun was huge mass with greatest gravitational power in universe. An asteroid came in front of Sun part. They stroke with each other, the pieces of sun scattered in universe. They were in their own orbits. Due to more gravitational force of sun, they started rotating around Sun in their own orbit. When they rotated in there own orbit for many years, they became round in shape. Earth was in the third. Let us talk about Earth now.

It was a third planet from sun that means it was far from Sun, when it was far it started cooling down. Heaviest thing remain in middle of Earth and likewise it went on, in this way the Earth had many layers: Inner core, Outer core, Upper mantle, Lower mantle and Crust. Vapors went up for 500 to 600 years. The process of Vaporization, condensation and precipitation went on. Let us talk how Seas and Oceans water is salty. Any body knows this? If No let me tell.

There were salt in layer of Earth. When precipitation went on it took all the salt in layer and stored in a deep place, which we call it nowadays by Seas and Oceans.

After this long process some cells formed, they went on multiplying likewise living beings were formed. All the things cooled but middle part is not cooled till now may be it is going cooling on.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thursday, July 9, 2009